RoboJDETM v2.0

Package java.lang

Contains basic classes defined by the JavaTM specifications.


Interface Summary
Cloneable Interface to indicate the clone method is supported by a class.
Runnable Interface for classes which support a run method.

Class Summary
Boolean Class to represent a boolean as an immutable object.
Character Class to represent a char as an immutable object.
Class Class information about an object.
Double Class to represent a double as an immutable object.
Float Class to represent a float as an immutable object.
Integer Class to represent an int as an immutable object.
Long Class to represent a long as an immutable object.
Math Implements math library methods.
Object The root class of all other classes.
String An object representing an immutable character string.
StringBuffer Class representing a mutable character string.
StringBuilder Class representing a mutable character string.
System Library of system level methods.
Thread Class to represent and manage a thread of execution.
Throwable The root class of all errors and exceptions.

Exception Summary
ArithmeticException Exception thrown when an arithmetic error occurs.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Exception thrown when an array index is out of bounds.
ArrayStoreException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to store a reference in an array when the type of the referenced object is not compatible with the type of the array.
ClassCastException Exception thrown when a casting operation fails.
CloneNotSupportedException Exception thrown when the clone method is called for an object that doesn't support cloning.
Exception Base class for exceptions that applications can commonly handle and recover from.
IllegalArgumentException Exception thrown when an argument to a method has an illegal value.
IllegalMonitorStateException Exception thrown when a thread synchronization primitives are not used as intended.
IllegalThreadStateException Exception thrown if a thread is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
IndexOutOfBoundsException Exception thrown if an index is not in the valid range for the requested operation.
InterruptedException Exception thrown when an inactive Thread becomes active because it was interrupted.
NegativeArraySizeException Exception thrown if a negative size is specified when creating an array.
NoSuchMethodException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to execute a method which doesn't exist.
NullPointerException Exception thrown if an attempt is made to use a null reference.
RuntimeException Base class for all application related exceptions that are detected at run-time.
UnsupportedOperationException Exception thrown if an attempt is made to execute a byte code the virtual machine does not support.

Error Summary
Error Base class for exceptions that are errors that applications normally cannot recover from.
InternalError Exception thrown if the virtual machine encounters an error which is due to a problem internal to the virtual machine.
LinkageError Exception thrown if a run-time linking operation fails.
OutOfMemoryError Exception thrown if there is not enough heap memory to statisfy a memory allocation request.
StackOverflowError Exception thrown if a Thread does not have sufficient stack space available to complete a method call.
UnknownError Exception thrown if the virtual machine encounters a problem it isn't able to classify.
UnsatisfiedLinkError Exception thrown if a run-time linking error occurs, such as inability to find a native method which is being called.
VirtualMachineError Base class for all virtual machine related exceptions.

Package java.lang Description

Contains basic classes defined by the JavaTM specifications.

RoboJDETM v2.0

Copyright (c) 2003-2009 RidgeSoft, LLC. All rights reserved.