RoboJDETM v2.0

Class CMUcamTrackingData

  extended by com.ridgesoft.robotics.sensors.CMUcam.CMUcamData
      extended by com.ridgesoft.robotics.sensors.CMUcam.CMUcamTrackingData

public class CMUcamTrackingData
extends CMUcamData

Class to hold tracking data reported by the CMUcam or CMUcam2.

This class reports data received in a type C, M, N or T packet from the CMUcam or CMUcam2.

The unused fields contain 0 when they are not valid.

Field Summary
 short confidence
          A measure of the confidence in the tracking data.
 short mx
          The middle mass x coordinate.
 short my
          The middle mass y coordinate.
 short panServoPosition
          The current position of the panning servo.
 short pixels
          A measure of the number of pixels in the bounded tracking rectangle.
 short tiltServoPosition
          The current position of the tilt servo.
 short x1
          The left most corner's x coordinate.
 short x2
          The right most corner's x coordinate.
 short y1
          The left most corner's y coordinate.
 short y2
          The right most corner's y coordinate.
Fields inherited from class com.ridgesoft.robotics.sensors.CMUcam.CMUcamData
Method Summary
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final short confidence
A measure of the confidence in the tracking data.


public final short mx
The middle mass x coordinate. Valid for type M and N packets. Zero for type C packets.


public final short my
The middle mass y coordinate. Valid for type M and N packets. Zero for tyep C packets.


public final short panServoPosition
The current position of the panning servo.

This is only valid if pan servo position reporting is turned on.


public final short pixels
A measure of the number of pixels in the bounded tracking rectangle.


public final short tiltServoPosition
The current position of the tilt servo.

This is only valid if tilt servo position reporting is turned on.


public final short x1
The left most corner's x coordinate.


public final short x2
The right most corner's x coordinate.


public final short y1
The left most corner's y coordinate.


public final short y2
The right most corner's y coordinate.

Method Detail


public String toString()
Description copied from class: Object
Returns a String representation of this object.

This implementation returns the class name followed by '@' followed by the hash code.

toString in class Object
string representation of this object

RoboJDETM v2.0

Copyright (c) 2003-2009 RidgeSoft, LLC. All rights reserved.